
Palestine is an Arab country with Jerusalem as its capital. It is located on the continent of Asia and is bordered by Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. It contains 34 cities, including:
Jerusalem - Tal Al-Rabi' - Safad
And Haifa - Beisan - Acre
Nablus - Tulkarm - Qalqilya - Caesarea
Ramallah - Al-Bireh - Lod
Ramla - Jaffa - Jericho
Bethlehem - Hebron - Ashkelon


The land of Canaan is a land inhabited by the Canaanite tribe, which is a tribe originating from the Arabian Peninsula. The Canaanites settled in the land of Canaan at the beginning of the third millennium BC (about 5,000 years ago). The Arab people of Canaan were the first to inhabit Palestine, and then many peoples inhabited it, including the Israelis and The Greeks and others until the Arabs inhabited it again, and it was later called Palestine after the Palestinian people who inhabited the southern coast. After World War I, the Ottomans lost against France and Britain, so the British established the Balfour Declaration with the Jews, who held senior positions in the British army at the time.

Balfour Declaration 1917:
“A promise from those who do not own to those who do not deserve.” This is how Balfour’s Declaration was described, and in truth it was a precise description, as it was a promise, It was a promise from the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, Arthur Balfour, to Lord Lionel de Rothschild, one of the most prominent aspects of the British Jewish community, promising him to create a land for the Jews.
And he wrote in his promise,
“His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
In the next picture, the Balfour Declaration as it was presented in the original letter sent by Arthur Balfour to Walter Rothschild.


The beginning of the Nakba 1948:
The war reached its climax between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, and the region witnessed a demographic shift.
The Israeli entity displaced nearly 800,000 Palestinians. The Palestinian people had no choice but to pack their belongings, and many of them closed the doors of their homes and took the keys with them, hoping to return to their homes when the war ended.
75 years:
Even after 75 years, the Palestinian people were deprived of the right to return and were dispersed throughout the world and camps. However, the Israeli entity did not stop committing war crimes against the displaced Palestinians in the camps, where they carried out 70 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian cities. And all this in full view of the world.

Gaza blockade:
17 years ago, and precisely in 2007 an inhumane siege was imposed on Gaza whose population reached two million and two hundred thousand people. In a small district that is considered the highest in the world in terms of population the largest open prison was created it includes more than two million prisoner that did not commit any crime whatsoever. They were deprived of essential resources and commodities such as vinegar, meat and poultry. Deep-sea fishing was also prohibited, and electricity and water consumption were regulated, as the per capita share of water in Gaza is considered less than half of the individual’s normal daily need, according to the World Health Organization. And Gaza was even fired upon several times under various excuses over the past years, causing the deaths of many civilians.


On October 7, 2023, the resistance movement called Hamas attacked Israel in response to a siege that lasted for years, resulting in the death of 1,300 Israelis. Israel's response was to tighten the siege and begin exterminating civilians in Gaza, and despite international law prohibiting this, Israel began firing white phosphorus bombs at civilians and warned them, asking them to leave to the south, saying that they would secure the road for them, and as soon as they left, Israel rose. By bombing the “safe” road, causing the death of 170 Palestinian civilians The shooting continued into Gaza, and the number of wounded reached nearly ten thousand When the hospitals became crowded, Israel violated international law again and bombed 22 hospitals, claiming that the hospitals contained weapons, despite the Palestinian people’s demand to inspect the hospitals and ensure that there were no weapons. With electricity and water completely cut off for nearly 20 days, and medical aid prevented from entering Gaza The number of victims reached 6,400 dead, including more than 2,000 children, and more than 16,000 wounded, most of them children and women, on Thursday, 10/26/2023. Let the world witness a heinous crime that cannot even be called a war crime, because the affected party, Gaza, was not an army, nor even armed, but rather just civilians, most of whom were women and children.
Below, are pictures showing the losses of both Gaza, and the Israeli occupation during Operation Al-Aqsa Flood until October 20:



boycott :
A campaign to boycott products that support the Zionist entity has spread all across social media, but… is the boycott really of that importance? And what is the boycott products?
Firstly, the boycotting of American products: America supports Israel with weapons and money, and pays billions of dollars annually to support the Israeli army, and the main source of this money is taxes that the American companies pays to the government, and unfortunately the products that we buy plays an indirect role in financing the Israeli army, where we pay the price of these American companies products and in return they pay the taxes that finance the the Israeli army. The aim of this boycott is not only to reduce taxes, but to pressure these companies and governments with the aim of stopping the support provided to Israel.
Secondly, the Israeli companies that support Israel: Some companies own shares in Israeli companies or they themselves support Israel, for example, McDonald's supports Israel and distribute free meals for the Israeli army, and Starbucks oppresses both employees and companies that support Palestine.
Is the boycott useful?
Many people say to themselves, “will my boycott makes a difference?” And the answer is yes. Maybe some of you noticed the extreme decline in the prices of boycott products, and the reason for this is boycott, which is responsible for the huge losses of these companies.
Always remember that these products are stained with the blood of our sisters and brothers, that these product’s price is greater than just money. Rather, they are lives that are suffering in Palestine.













These products are made with the blood of Palestinians!





Who are we?
This website was made with the least possible means with the aim of spreading awareness about the Palestinian case by young people who dream of praying at Al-Aqsa and establishing the free Arab state of Palestine. They aspire to see smiles on the faces of children in Palestine, safe in their schools, streets and homes.

